Summer break is just around the corner. Many of you are probably love the thought of not having to jump out of bed in the morning, packing lunches, and doing homework. But a few weeks after the last day of school, most parents realize they are far from relaxed.

Summer excitement doesn’t have to fade soon. Here are 4 tips for keeping your sanity in the summer.

Plan activities

Most parents want to give their kids the best summer ever. Plan some activities that will give your kids something to look forward to like a camping trip, a trip to visit relatives or even a trip to the library. Make sure, though, that you plan out downtime. Everyone needs some space in their days to relax and be bored.

You don’t need to schedule an activity everyday. Allow time for unstructured downtime. Let them be bored. It allows them to use their imaginations and figure out something that will get them out of their slump.

Limit screen time

When kids are bored, parents tend to fall into the trap of technology to entertain children.

While there may not be a schedule to stick to, that doesn’t mean that the kids should spend more time using their gadgets or watching TV for any longer than normal.

Summer is a time to encourage your kids to play physically, explore new hobbies or discover new talents. Without the option of a TV, smartphone or tablet PC, a whole new world of will open up to your children that they may not have otherwise discovered.

Make them useful

Most kids would show disinterest or would drag their feet when asked to do chores. This is mostly because they feel like they’re being taken away from something they’d like to do.

Make jobs a little more fun by using punch cards. Every time they complete a job, they bring the punch card to you. You’d be surprised how efficiently kids will work just so they can claim their reward at the end.

Make time for yourself

Having kids out of school for two months often leaves parents stressed and frustrated. Carve out time for yourself and give yourself a time to relax, recharge, and do things you truly enjoy. Don’t feel guilty. Taking care of yourself is an essential part of being a good mom.