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Self-Compassion as a Foundation for Self...

Self-Compassion as a Foundation for Self-Care: Nurturing Healing and Growth for Trauma Survivors

After experiencing trauma, survivors navigate a complex range of emotions and memories, searching for healing and peace. In this journey, one thing becomes abundantly clear: self-care is not a luxury but a vital necessity. For trauma survivors, self-care becomes a gentle guiding light that leads them back to themselves, providing comfort during difficult times and […]

3 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unful...

3 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unfulfilled And What to Do About It

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button every morning, not having the motivation to get up? You have a nice house, a decent job, and family that supports you. But there’s that weird feeling like you’re unhappy and live an unfulfilled life. You wanted to do something different. You want to pursue something bigger. […]