The transition from classroom-based to online-based learning can be difficult for both parents and students. After trying online classes since the school year began, some are considering sending their kids to school and opt face-to-face learning.
Use these tips to help your kids overcome stress and frustrations brought about by online classes.
Create a study space
Setup a productive study space in your home that is conducive for learning, preferably away from the bed. It has to be a place that is quiet and free from distractions. Make it comfortable, keep it tidy, and well lit.
Remove distractions
Kids can get distracted easily. To keep distractions to a minimum, turn off any electronic devices and the TV during study hours.
Keep open communication
Online classes can be stressful for children. While many of them are trying their best to adapt to the new situation, you may notice some changes in their behavior such as refusal, opposition, excessive arguments etc.
As a parent, you should be more patient and understanding with your kids. Acknowledge their feelings and encourage them to express their feelings.
Give them a break
If you want your kids to perform well, then you need to give them breaks. Sitting in the same spot and studying for hours can isn’t good for the mind and body. Encourage them to get up from time to time. Let them stretch, take a walk, or eat snacks. It’s an effective way to manage stress and will instantly lift their mood.
Always schedule time for fun
Since the new school year began, children have been asked to stay on track with their syllabus. Let’s face it. It’s not easy. They are not accustomed to this learning method, and it can be frustrating not to be able to keep up with the lessons.
Once their homework is done, do something fun. Use this as an opportunity to bond with your children and make new memories.