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Pandemic Pregnancy: 4 Ways to Stay Menta...

Pandemic Pregnancy: 4 Ways to Stay Mentally Healthy During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is never easy, and the pandemic has brought about new challenges to pregnant mothers. In times like this, it can be difficult to keep anxiety under control. But there are some things you can do to take care of your mental health while pregnant. Here are some of them. Beat emotional eating Most […]

You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty for Prioritizi

You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty for Prioritizing Yourself

As overscheduled as our lives are today, it can be challenging to find time for yourself. We know we need an alone time, but sometimes, it’s hard to give ourselves permission to take time away. Stop feeling guilty for taking me-time. Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty for prioritizing yourself. Your oxygen […]

It’s Okay to Have a Mom Meltdown

It’s Okay to Have a Mom Meltdown

Being a mom may be one of the best jobs one could ever ask for, but it’s also the most difficult. We try our best to be the best mom to our kids. Unfortunately, a perfect mom – someone who stays calm, organized, and in control 100% of the time – doesn’t exist. Most of […]