Being pregnant is never easy, and the pandemic has brought about new challenges to pregnant mothers.

In times like this, it can be difficult to keep anxiety under control. But there are some things you can do to take care of your mental health while pregnant. Here are some of them.

Beat emotional eating

Most people would find themselves craving unhealthy foods when they’re stressed or anxious. This is called stress eating. If you eat for emotional reasons, however, you may eat too much.

Don’t let emotions trigger bad food habits. Create a food log. Be honest and write down everything you ate for a week, as well as how you felt before and after you ate it.

If possible, stick to a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise. This can help the body stay healthy in times of mental ill-health.

Distract yourself

If you find yourself worrying or having negative thoughts, it may help to do something that can help you relax. It can be something as simple as reading a book, having a hot shower, or cooking your partner’s favorite meal.

You can take on a new hobby or rediscover a new one. The key is to distract yourself and free up your mind, so you can focus on more positive, productive things.

Bring yourself back in the moment

More often than not, we worry about things that might happen in the future. But instead of focusing on the “what ifs” and trying to foresee what will happen in the coming months, why not just focus on how you feel and what you’re doing now.

We have no control over what will happen in the future, but there’s something you can do to improve how you’re feeling now.

Build a good support system

Having supportive people in your life can make all the difference in how you deal with stress and anxiety during pregnancy. This can be your partner, family, friends, or healthcare professional.

Talk to them about how you’re feeling. Getting things off your chest and talking your worries through with your loved ones can make all the difference.