For months, you’ve waited for the arrival of your baby. Every night, you imagine how it would be like to hold him/her in your arms. You expect the days after delivering your baby to be full of joy. Instead, you’re anxious, ambivalent and breaking down in tears.

If you feel this way, know that you’re not alone. In fact, 20% of women experience postpartum depression.

Here are some tips for battling postpartum depression.

Meet new moms

Baby blues and postpartum depression is common after childbirth. Getting out and meeting new moms who are in the same situation as you can help you battle postpartum depression. Sharing worries with others can be of great help. Studies suggest that talking about your feelings can help improve your mood.

Get moving

Considering how tired you are, exercise may be the last thing you want to do right now. But if you’re feeling down and blue, physical activities can be beneficial.

Exercise has an anti-depressant effect. It will help boost your mood and make you feel better. Try to go out and walk with your baby.

Get some rest

There is no denying that taking care of a baby can be exhausting. Between feeding the baby, putting him/her to sleep, diaper changing and bathing – a mother is expected to fulfil all these duties. When you’re dealing with a newborn, a full 8 hours of sleep may seem like an unattainable luxury.

If possible, get your partner or a family member to watch over the baby so you can take a rest. If not, I suggest that you take a nap while the baby is asleep. A 10 to 20-minute power nap is enough to restore your energy and improve productivity.

Make time for yourself

Life with a new baby can be stressful. It puts an enormous strain on your body. It can also be very demanding psychologically. In order to be a great mom, you also need to take care of yourself. Yes, your baby needs you, but in order to fulfil this role, you need to be healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.

Carve out time each day to be alone. You can go for a walk, prepare yourself a good meal, read a book, take a long shower or just take a nap.

Get professional help

If you feel that you can’t cope, then get professional help. Take your feelings seriously and talk to a professional. Denying those feelings won’t make them go away.