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Using EMDR for Child Abuse and Trauma

Trauma can result from a single, multiple or a series of event. It can be a result of violence, sexual abuse, accidents, death of a significant loved one or a disaster. When a painful or traumatic experience happens, it usually remains stuck in our mind. Children react different to trauma. But most of the time, […]

Why You Should Stop Working Long Hours

Why You Should Stop Working Long Hours

For some people, working long hours give them a sense of accomplishment. For others, it’s simply the demands of the job. In any case, working long hours is NOT GOOD for your health and wellbeing.  Here are some reasons why you should stop working long hours. Higher Risk of Stroke and Heart Diseases According to […]

Stay At Home Moms Are More Depressed

Stay At Home Moms Are More Depressed

Being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) has many challenges. Sadly, these challenges are easily dismissed by many. Society expects them to be grateful to have the opportunity to stay at home and be provided for. According to a study, 28% of SAHMs have depression. On the other hand, about 16% have depression amongst working moms. That’s […]

Social Isolation and Depression: Is Ther...

Social Isolation and Depression: Is There a Link?

Social interaction is the building block of all social networks. As social beings, it’s innate in us to connect to others. We thrive in collaborative networks of people. Unfortunately, the current global pandemic is forcing us to physically isolate ourselves. Sadly, this often translates to social isolation.   Social isolation is recognized as a social determinant […]