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Keeping Your Sanity in the Summer

Keeping Your Sanity in the Summer

Summer break is just around the corner. Many of you are probably love the thought of not having to jump out of bed in the morning, packing lunches, and doing homework. But a few weeks after the last day of school, most parents realize they are far from relaxed. Summer excitement doesn’t have to fade […]

3 Ways Meditation Can Help Reduce and Ma...

3 Ways Meditation Can Help Reduce and Manage Stress

Stress is a fact of life. It is our body’s normal response to any kind of demand. While a little stress is good, chronic stress can be detrimental to our overall health. As such, it is important to find ways to reduce our stress levels. Starting a meditation practice can help you relieve stress and […]

4 Culprits Robbing Your Happiness

4 Culprits Robbing Your Happiness

Happiness. It is something we all desire. We look for it in different places.  Some people look for it in a new accomplishment, a new relationship, a new job. Some even hope to buy it. Considering that a lot of people are so desperate in finding it, why does it appear to be so elusive? […]

How to Deal with the Stress and Trauma A...

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, and earthquakes can create a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. Mild to moderate stress reactions are normal for those who are directly affected. Some people may experience difficulty sleeping, nightmares, difficult concentrating or anxiety in the days and weeks following the disaster. Here’s how to deal with […]