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Seasonal Depression: 5 Simple Ways to Be...

Seasonal Depression: 5 Simple Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

The gloomy days of winter don’t just yield frigid temperatures. As the temperature outside gets chilly and the hours of daylight decrease, many people feel down, irritable or low in energy. If you are one of them, you are not alone. Studies suggest that approximately half a million people from the United States suffer from […]

Tips to Make Your Holidays Smooth and Ha...

Tips to Make Your Holidays Smooth and Hassle-Free

We often hear that the holiday is the most wonderful time of the year. While it is filled with parties, get-togethers, and gift-giving, for many of us, it can be stressful and exhausting. If you’re overwhelmed with lots on your plate, here are 4 tips to make your holidays smooth and hassle-free. Follow your routine […]

3 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress

3 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress

The holiday season is a fun and joyous time. It provides an opportunity to take a few days from work, spend time with family or go on a vacation. While most people look forward to this festive time of year, some people aren’t so thrilled about the idea of planning or attending social events. Let’s […]