We are all born with unique gifts and abilities. If you make the most out of those abilities, you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled in life. Not only that, you’ll also perform better at work and improve your relationships. Are you living up to your full potential? If not, then we urge you to keep […]
Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive After A...
There is way too much pressure surrounding the holiday season. People get together with their extended family, throw big parties and tell outrageous jokes to one another. This, however, can be heart-breaking when someone you care about is missing from those festivities. How could you possibly celebrate the holiday without spoiling everyone else’s good time […]
35% of Parents Say Thanksgiving Gatherin...
A new survey revealed that 35% of parents think that gathering at Thanksgiving is worth the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. The poll was conducted by a group of researchers from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Participants of the said survey were comprised of parents with kids aged 12 years old and below. Like many […]
Treating Trauma and PTSD with EMDR
Traumatic events can be difficult to come to terms with. People who have survived trauma including combat, domestic violence, sexual abuse or have witnessed a life-threatening event may develop post traumatic stress disorder. These people often relive the experience through flashbacks and nightmares. The symptoms do not go away on their own and may even […]