As grownups, healing our deep-seated wounds is very similar to the process of an infant learning to walk. We come into healing through the back door, so to speak: by learning to trust in others, we learn to trust ourselves. I love this quote by Kierkegaard, which brings the process of finding one’s ground indelibly […]
Stress and the Four Seasons
Everywhere we turn there are occurrences that trigger stress. Not all stress is bad for us, and those instances where stress can be negative, it is how we handle our emotions that can get us feeling down. The medical world has created a name for the syndrome where changes in season can cause issues in […]
EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and
Throughout my career as a psychotherapist and especially since I became certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), I received many phones from possible clients asking for a quick fix. I wish it was that simple. People read about EMDR and some believe that it can change there life instantly. As someone who specializes […]