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Coping with Grief During the Holidays: F...

Coping with Grief During the Holidays: Finding Light in Difficult Times

The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, celebrations, and family gatherings. However, for those who are grieving, this time of year can be tough.  The bright lights, cheerful music, and festive traditions can feel overwhelming and painful, reminding us of the people we’ve lost. If you’re struggling with grief during the […]

Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive After A...

Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive After A Loss

There is way too much pressure surrounding the holiday season. People get together with their extended family, throw big parties and tell outrageous jokes to one another. This, however, can be heart-breaking when someone you care about is missing from those festivities. How could you possibly celebrate the holiday without spoiling everyone else’s good time […]

4 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Person W

4 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Person Who is Grieving

When someone you know is grieving, it is human nature to try and comfort the person and help ease their pain. But sometimes, our good intention can be more harmful than helpful. The goal of expressing sympathy is to offer your compassion and concern for the bereaved. But let’s face it. It can be hard […]

Sexual Abuse is Not Your Fault

Sexual Abuse is Not Your Fault

Every year, there are thousands of new victims of sexual abuse. Research tells us that one in four girls and one in six young males have been sexually abused. If you’re reading this blog post, you might be one of them. Or maybe you know someone who has been sexually abused. Sexual abuse can take […]