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How to Cope with Holiday Stress

How to Cope with Holiday Stress

Not feeling particularly cheery this holiday season? You’re not alone. In fact, even before the pandemic started, many people feel stressed, exhausted, and depressed at this time of the year. While many see the holiday season as a time for reflection, joy, and spending time with their loved ones, others experience a different set of […]

How Social Media Can Impact Your Self-Es...

Social media has been a part of our daily lives. It has changed the way we communicate and interact with others. It allows unlimited networking opportunities and offer access to information, and so much more. While social media can have their benefits, too much of it can negatively affect one’s mental well-being. Social media represents […]

How to Start Healing From Emotional Trau...

How to Start Healing From Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma is the result of an extraordinarily stressful event that shatters a person’s sense of security.  More than half of Americans will go through traumatic events in their lives. Losing a loved one, domestic violence, bullying, divorce, and miscarriage are just some of the most common causes of emotional trauma.  While most people who […]

3 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Health

3 Ways to Boost your Emotional Health

When we talk about health and well-being, physical health is usually the first thing that comes to mind. However, being healthy isn’t just about being strong and free from illnesses. A more holistic health approach would be a balance of physical, emotional, and mental health. Good emotional health is crucial to our overall well-being. It […]