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Stress Can Hurt Your Health

Stress Can Hurt Your Health

Have you ever felt your heart pounding on your first date or your hands sweating during a job interview?  If so, then you know how stress feels like. Humans are designed to experience stress and react to it. It is a normal part of life. Most people tend to think of it as a negative […]

EMDR Therapy for Overcoming Depression

EMDR Therapy for Overcoming Depression

According to studies, nearly 16 million Americans suffer from depression every year. If that’s not bad enough, statistics show that the number of people suffering from depression has been growing at an alarming rate. To make matters worse, about 80% of these individuals aren’t receiving any form of treatment. Anti-depressants and psychotherapy are the most […]

Finding Time for Me Time

Finding Time for Me Time

In today’s fast-paced world, most people feel the need to be going all the time. Wanting to stay productive, they would extend their working hours and take on more tasks. Despite the importance of having time to unwind, a lot of people are having a hard time squeezing in some me time into their busy […]

When Ambition Breeds Depression

When Ambition Breeds Depression

You have a good-paying job, a lovely house, a nice car, more than enough food to share with your family and some cash in the bank. You’ve got no reason to be dissatisfied. But still, there’s that pervasive hum of discontent each day. We’ve all been raised and conditioned to be competitive. You study hard, […]