We all make mistakes. It’s human nature. At some point in your life, you will be criticized for the things you have said or done. Sometimes, it can be difficult to accept when someone is attacking your character or questioning your decisions. Criticism is never fun. It can topple your self-esteem or ruin your day. […]
When Ambition Breeds Depression
You have a good-paying job, a lovely house, a nice car, more than enough food to share with your family and some cash in the bank. You’ve got no reason to be dissatisfied. But still, there’s that pervasive hum of discontent each day. We’ve all been raised and conditioned to be competitive. You study hard, […]
Tips for Juggling Work and Motherhood
With a long list of household chores to do, young kids tugging at you and 40-plus hours of work, it may seem like a superhuman feat to juggle all these while still staying sane. While there is no secret recipe to make sure you have enough time for your kids while still working full time, […]
Are You Afraid to Take the Leap?
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” – Mike Murdock Everyone wants to live a secure and comfortable life. We look for safety – a place that feels safe, and then try to stay there for as long as we can. Sometimes, we get too comfortable that we don’t […]