During the pandemic, millions of people have lost their jobs. With more and more businesses closing down, parents had no choice but to stay at home and watch their meager savings dwindle away. Kids were forced to attend virtual classes. Many of them felt isolated, as they were prohibited from attending social events, school, or […]
You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty for Prioritizi
As overscheduled as our lives are today, it can be challenging to find time for yourself. We know we need an alone time, but sometimes, it’s hard to give ourselves permission to take time away. Stop feeling guilty for taking me-time. Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty for prioritizing yourself. Your oxygen […]
How the Pandemic Has Changed Our Lives f...
The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives. A lot of people lost their jobs. A lot of entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their businesses afloat. And even kids are afraid to go back to school. While the pandemic has been a difficult time for many of us, it also brought about some positive changes. […]
4 Ways to Stay Motivated During the COVI...
When the reality of COVID-19 sunk, finding the motivation to keep up with work and other duties has been a challenge for a lot of people. 5 months later, it seems like there is still no clear end in sight. Many of us are still working from home, and have no choice but to stay […]