People feel stuck for many different reasons. It happens when you feel like you’re unable to move forward. This could be related to anything in your life – your living situation, your physical health, your dreams, your personal development, your relationships, your career, or your work. Oftentimes, you wonder where the joy, the energy, and […]
Secrets to Achieving Better Work-Life Ba...
Americans are workaholics. In fact, studies suggest that they work more than the Norwegians, Germans, French, and Japanese. They even work more than anyone in the industrialized world. In a survey that was conducted by the Harvard Business School, they found out that about 94% of the adult population work more than 50 hours a […]
Therapists, You Need to Take Care of You...
Self-care is important for our overall well-being. No one knows that better than therapists. After all, that’s what we do, right? We help our clients take better care of themselves. But the question is… Are you taking good care of yourself? If you’re one of those people who are finding it hard to practice self-care, […]
3 Reasons Why You Should Schedule Some “
It’s a challenge to let ourselves slow down. Sometimes, we are given a few sacred minutes to sit down, just enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the sky, but then we tell ourselves not to because there’s so much to do. We feel like we’re wasting time if we’re not doing something. We often […]