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Constant Exposure to Negative News Makes...

Constant Exposure to Negative News Makes People Anxious and Unsafe

Today, the vast majority of news is negative. We often hear about crimes, terrorism, strife, acts of violence, and virus outbreak. Thanks to the 24-hour news cycle, it is nearly impossible to open up a browser, turn on the TV or scroll through your Twitter or Facebook newsfeeds without being assaulted by news or stories […]

When Ambition Breeds Depression

When Ambition Breeds Depression

You have a good-paying job, a lovely house, a nice car, more than enough food to share with your family and some cash in the bank. You’ve got no reason to be dissatisfied. But still, there’s that pervasive hum of discontent each day. We’ve all been raised and conditioned to be competitive. You study hard, […]

How to Cope with Anxiety and Depression

How to Cope with Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health concerns in our society. While overcoming depression isn’t actually easy, it’s far from impossible. These strategies will help you cope when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. Get moving When you’re depressed or anxious, exercise is often the last thing you want to do. But […]