You’ve just had a baby. For several months, you’ve looked forward to seeing your child. With the arrival of your little one, you expected to be celebrating and basking in new mom bliss. It is supposed to be a joyous experience. But as you hold your child in your arms, you find yourself crying and […]
The first steps to healing attachment wo...
As grownups, healing our deep-seated wounds is very similar to the process of an infant learning to walk. We come into healing through the back door, so to speak: by learning to trust in others, we learn to trust ourselves. I love this quote by Kierkegaard, which brings the process of finding one’s ground indelibly […]
EMDR and Attachment Trauma
I went to an amazing workshop over the weekend about attachment trauma and EMDR. What I took with me was a greater understanding of how much the early years impact one’s future. When I say early years, I mean as early as being in your mother’s womb. It is not just about having a caregiver […]
Fifty Shades of Grey
More to the story than you may think… So I just finished reading the trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes the fictional novel that women all around the country are obsessing over. When I first heard about the book, I was intrigued. I was hearing things such as “this book will change your life” and […]