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3 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unful...

3 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unfulfilled And What to Do About It

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button every morning, not having the motivation to get up? You have a nice house, a decent job, and family that supports you. But there’s that weird feeling like you’re unhappy and live an unfulfilled life. You wanted to do something different. You want to pursue something bigger. […]

Feeling Anxious? Don’t Fight It!

Feeling Anxious? Don’t Fight It!

Most people treat anxiety as a sign of weakness. This is why most people who are struggling with anxiety suffer in silence. They are embarrassed about it. Some people even think of anxiety as a bad thing, as if it’s a contagious disease. If you’re struggling with anxiety, there’s probably one thing that’s been looming […]

4 Ways to Get Past a Traumatic Experienc...

4 Ways to Get Past a Traumatic Experience

Most people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their life. It can be from a vehicular, accident and violent attack to the unexpected death of a loved one. Recovering from trauma is different for everybody. While most people get through them easily, others find it difficult to recover. If you’ve experience a […]

The Importance of Staying Connected with...

The Importance of Staying Connected with Family and Friends

Whenever we hear the phrase, “No man is an island,” it brings to mind the idea that we depend on each other for survival. We cannot survive alone. But let’s face it. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in our classes, work, daily chores, and other duties, all while trying to have a social life. Oftentimes, […]