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Does Being a Working Mom Make You Feel G...

Who watches your kids when you go on a business trip? How do you balance work and family? Why not quit? These are just some of the questions working moms are tired of answering. Despite living in the modern times, most people still believe that women are supposed to stay at home and take care […]

Stress Relief Tips to Reduce Back to Sch...

Going back to school can be both stressful and exciting on kids and parents. From hectic mornings to new classmates and teachers, homeoworks and extracurricular activities, the start of the new school year can be overwhelming. When all these demands fall upon our children, they may sleep less, eat less, and become irritable. Here are […]

Managing Traumatic Stress After the Hurr...

Hurricanes and other natural disasters are common in Louisiana and Texas. Hurricane Harvey came ashore as the most powerful hurricane to strike Texas since 1961 and the fiercest hurricane to hit the country in 13 years. The flood that resulted from Hurricane Harvey has wreaked havoc in Texas. It has sent more than 32,000 into […]