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Tips for Managing Your Kids’ Busy After

Kids love the idea of joining different activities in school. Aside from keeping them occupied, after school activities give them the opportunity to explore their interests and passion, develop self confidence, and teach them how to manage their time. There is no denying that after school activities can help your children in a variety of […]

Keeping Your Sanity in the Summer

Keeping Your Sanity in the Summer

Summer break is just around the corner. Many of you are probably love the thought of not having to jump out of bed in the morning, packing lunches, and doing homework. But a few weeks after the last day of school, most parents realize they are far from relaxed. Summer excitement doesn’t have to fade […]

Sexual Abuse is Not Your Fault

Sexual Abuse is Not Your Fault

Every year, there are thousands of new victims of sexual abuse. Research tells us that one in four girls and one in six young males have been sexually abused. If you’re reading this blog post, you might be one of them. Or maybe you know someone who has been sexually abused. Sexual abuse can take […]

How to Deal with Trauma After a Disturbi...

Dealing with traumatic event isn’t easy. Depending on the type of trauma suffered, these events can overwhelm a person and can even reduce their ability to cope due to the additional stress they cause. The good news is that, there are some steps you can take to help you cope after a disturbing event or […]