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The meaning of pain

The meaning of pain

Pain has a lot to teach us. It can let us know when our lives are out of alignment, when we need support, when we need to ask for help. But narcotizing the pain away through opioids such as codeine and hydrocodone—especially during pregnancy—is an alarming trend. A recent article in the New York Times […]

Fear of flooding

Fear of flooding

Fear of flooding “Above average snowpack. The possibility of a warm, wet spring. Streams and rivers transformed from September’s flooding.” With these factors swirling around the news, it’s no wonder that people are anxious this time of year, especially after having survived— and just barely regained—one’s footing after the climactic flood that happened in Boulder […]

Deeper into the mysteries of Brainspotti...

Deeper into the mysteries of Brainspotting

I just finished my second round of Brainspotting training, and I am filled with renewed appreciation for Brainspotting’s effectiveness. It’s such a great tool for helping my clients process trauma, especially if they need a less confrontational approach than EMDR. Brainspotting allows for people to approach their trauma from a more resourced spot. It can […]

With brainspotting, seeing is the new he...

With brainspotting, seeing is the new healing

I can admit it here—brainspotting blows me away. It’s mysterious how it works, but work it does. I recently did a training here in Boulder at the Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute, taught by Dr. Pie Frey. I had the chance to experience being worked on, and even I, a huge advocate for the transformative power […]